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Vi arbetar med litteraturförankring

Akram, A. (2016). Value Network Transformation: Digital Service Innovation in the Vehicle Industry. Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg. Benghozi, P.-J., Krob, D., & Rowe, F. (2013). Digital enterprise design and management 2013: proceedings of the first International Conference on Digital Enterprise Design and Management DED&M 2013 (Vol. 205; 205.). New York; Berlin: Springer. Bygstad, B., & Henfridsson, O. (2013). The generative mechanisms of digital infrastructure evolution. Management information systems, 37(3), 907-931. Dievernich, F. E. P., Tokarski, K. O., & Gong, J. (2015). Change Management and the Human Factor: Advances, Challenges and Contradictions in Organizational Development. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Digitaliseringskommisionen. (2015). Digitaliseringens transformerande kraft - vägval för framtiden. Stockholm: Näringsdepartementet. Feinleib, D. (2014). Big Data Bootcamp: What Managers Need to Know to Profit from the Big Data Revolution. Berkeley, CA: Apress: Berkeley, CA. Franklin, M. (2014). Agile Change Management: Kogan Page. Franks, B. (2012). Taming the big data tidal wave: finding opportunities in huge data streams with advanced analytics. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Gerth, C. (2013). Business process models: change management (Vol. 7849.). Berlin: Springer. Heisterberg, R., & Verma, A. (2014). Creating Business Agility: How Convergence of Cloud, Social, Mobile, Video, and Big Data Enables Competitive Advantage. Somerset, NJ, USA: Wiley. Kemp, R. (2014). Legal aspects of managing Big Data. Computer Law & Security Report, 30(5), 482. doi:10.1016/j.clsr.2014.07.006 Laurent, M., Bouzefrane, S., & Pomerol, J.-C. (2015). Digital identity management. Oxford, England; London, England: ISTE Press. LeHong, H. (2014). A Guide to the Internet of Things for Digital Business Technologies. from Gartner Group Makri, S., Blandford, A., Woods, M., Sharples, S., & Maxwell, D. (2014). "Making my own luck": Serendipity strategies and how to support them in digital information environments. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(11), 1-20. Morabito, V. (2014). Trends and Challenges in Digital Business Innovation. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Patel, K., & McCarthy, M. P. (2000). Digital Transformation. Poitevin, H., Hanscome, R., & Cameron, Y. (2014). Digital Workplaces Create New Demands for HR Service Delivery. from Gartner Group Raskino, M. (2014). CEOs and CIOs Must Assume That Every Industry Will Be Digitally Remastered. Retrieved from Rowles, D. (2014). Digital branding: a complete step-by-step guide to strategy, tactics and measurement. London; Philadelphia: Kogan Page. Sawant, N., & Shah, H. (2013). Big Data Application Architecture Q & A A Problem-Solution Approach. Simon, P. (2014). The visual organization: data visualization, big data, and the quest for better decisions. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. Thibeault, J., & Wadsworth, K. (2014). Recommend this: delivering digital experiences that people want to share. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Wagner, I., Stuedahl, D., & Bratteteig, T. (2010). Exploring digital design: multi-disciplinary design practices. London: Springer. vom Brocke, J., & Schmiedel, T. (2015). BPM - Driving Innovation in a Digital World. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Xu, J. (2014). Managing Digital Enterprise: Ten Essential Topics. Paris: Atlantis Press.